Learn about certain requirements for all businesses, and other requirements related to specific industries.
Business licenses are required for all businesses in Kansas City. Certain other licenses are required for certain industries. You will also need a business license if you choose to work with the City of KCMO.
Business Licenses are required by Sec. 40 of the Kansas City municipal code of any operation that generates revenue, transacts, or employs within City limits.
New Businesses are required to meet the following requirements prior to the issuance of a business license. Proof of obtaining the following documents should accompany the initial request for a license. In addition to licensing, certain businesses must register to pay other taxes the City collects.
For All Businesses
For Specific Industries
Additional paperwork and/or requirements may be required depending on the type of business activity. To verify documents needed, email kcbizcare@kcmo.org or call (816) 513-2491.
Before you lease or purchase a building, you will need to ensure it is properly zoned for your business through a Zoning Clearance Letter. This is required for all new and existing businesses, whether home or commercially-based, and must be obtained prior to receiving your business license.
This procedure helps the City to verify that a proposed land use or structure is allowed in the applicable zoning district.
You can apply for a Zoning Clearance through our website here (next business day service) or in person on the 5th floor of City Hall. If your KCMO business address has changed, you will need to request a zoning clearance for the new location and update your business license at business.license@kcmo.org. Zoning Clearance requests are free. You may also update the IRS by filing form 8822-B.
Disclaimer: Zoning Clearances approve a business to operate in a particular zoning area. They do not review the building itself and its code compliance, certificate of occupancy, etc. You will need to contact building staff for these other items.
This license is required for all businesses (sole proprietors, partnerships, and corporations) operating in Kansas City, Missouri. A license is valid for the calendar year in which it is issued. Business licenses expire on December 31 of each year.
You can apply for a KCMO business license by choose from these 3 options:
You must renew your business license every year after January 1st but by the last day of February to avoid penalty. You will have to report your gross receipts for the previous year when you renew your license.
Use the QuickTax system for renewals.
For more information about Kansas City, Missouri business licenses, please contact the Business License Section at (816) 513-1120.
Additional paperwork and/or requirements may be required of your business, depending on your business activity.
Additional Requirements for Specific Industries:
To verify the documents your business needs, email kcbizcare@kcmo.org or call (816) 513-2491.